Dear One,
Them phone line was nonop over a few days last week and so mail got bunched.
I’m on call this weekend for the WHOLE hospital. YIKES. So far so good as I have yet to run into any major catastrophe. There has been a major premie epidemic since my arrival however. We are kicking a set of 2 day old twins out of their incubator (1.7 & 1.3 kg) in order to get two other Unrelated babies into a separate incubator each. NO IV’s just ng feeds. Gave a talk re NRP (newborn resuscitation) Thurs. It bore fruit this morning as a ZEN (Zambia educated nurse) bagged a kid for 30’ and got her back. I did rounds today and saw Burkitt’s (lymphoma), Kaposi’s (sarcoma), Hansen’s (leprosy) and a tree-felling accident (Newton's Disease??).
I sent an email yest for the 3-5 year old class. I hope it can get to them before I return. Walked into town yesterday and bought you two of the more fashionable kesapis about. It will make you proud. I spent a little over $5.
I am feeling remarkably fit, well rested and comfortable. The rains have stopped and nights are quite cool and crystal clear. The southern cross and alpha & beta Centauri are just over there. Saw the Coal Sack, Beehive, Large Magellanic cloud, Canopus and a bunch of constellations which are even less obvious than up Nawth. Orion is still very recognizable even if he has fallen on his front rather than his back.
On the Road Again
9 years ago